Common combinatorial proof set-ups

One good way to think about combinatorial proofs in general is something like this:
Goal: Prove that quantity A and quantity B are equal.
Step 1: Think of some question to which either is obviously the answer. 
Step 2: Show that also gives the answer to the question.

Or perhaps like this:
Goal: Prove that quantity A and quantity B are equal.
Step 1: Think of some set of size A. Think of some different set of size B.
Step 2: Find a bijective (one-to-one) correspondence between the two sets.
In both set-ups, most of the creativity is in that second step. That's the hard part, but it's also the part that gives us all the insight. Coming up with an explanation of why counts the same thing does is exactly what helps us understand why the two quantities are the same.

Let's spend a little more time with binomial coefficients to gain some more practice with combinatorial proofs. Here are a few identities. Take some time to think about them and try to write up proofs for each before reading the proofs at the end of this post.

Claim 1: $$\sum_{k=0}^n  {n \choose k} = 2^n$$
Claim 2: $${n \choose k} = {n \choose n{-}k} $$
Claim 3: If n>0 then  
$$\sum_{k=0}^n {n \choose 2k} = \sum_{k=0}^n {n \choose 2k+1}$$

Proofs of Claims 1-3

Proof of Claim 1: Our question will be, how many ways can we make a committee (of any size) out of a class of n people?

The left hand side of the equation counts this because each term in the sum tells us how many different committees can be constructed with exactly members. Since can be as little as 0 (the empty committee) and as big as (the whole class is the committee), this gives us the total number of committees possible.

The right hand side counts this because for each of the people, there are two choices---either that person is in the committee, or that person is not in the committee. By the product rule, we multiply by 2 a total of times, and get 2n▢ 

Proof of Claim 2: How many different k-person committees can be made out of a set of people? By our definition of binomial coefficients, this is answered by the left hand side. On the other hand, instead of choosing people for the committee, we can choose n-k people to exclude from the committee; the right hand side counts that. Therefore, the two sides are equal. ▢ 

Proof of Claim 3: HW!


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